Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Song For A Day - Come Sail Away

Remember that scene in Freaks and Geeks where Lindsay and Eli dance at the school social (socials... that's what we called them back in the day)? That's one of my favorite TV scenes of all time. Anyway, my iTunes thinks it's the late 70s/early 80s today so all the jams consist of Abba, Styx and Christopher Cross.

Speaking of jams, one of the YouTube comments in re this Styx video is: "These ni**as was blowin it up wit this jam, dis is off tha chain yo." People who comment on YT videos are some of the most... interesting people on earth.

In other news, what's going on in the world besides this mind numbingly beautiful weather? It's so mind numbing I'm blogging about the weather... Seriously, all I want to do is sit outside and read which does not exactly make for scintillating posts.

I did see Men Who Stare at Goats but it was dreadfully dull. Poor Ewan McGregor couldn't save it, and I was so excited to see him in something again. Did he go away or do I just not get out much?

And finally, Happy Veterans Day to all our fine vets. Perhaps you'd think a raging liberal like me wouldn't give a hoot about this holiday but man, it's not something I could ever do so kudos to them for fighting for what they believe in. I watched the memorial service for the soldiers killed at Fort Hood yesterday... and I read the In Memoriam every Sunday on This Week and it's all pretty heartbreaking. Most of these soldiers are still kids and while it's honorable what they're doing, I wish they didn't have to do it at all. I wish the reasons made a bit more sense (to me).

On that note, the sun is calling me back outside...

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