Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rediscovering Old Loves - Cannonball

I didn't know this video was an early Spike Jonze offering until, oh, two minutes ago (unless Wikipedia is lying, which is always possible).

The year is 1993 and I'm still not cool, but I can pretend while driving my mint green Mazda 626 through the darkened streets of Austin. I once read an article about The Breeders that mentioned how Kim Deal dyed her hair with black shoe polish and I just thought, "Well... I am never going to be that punk rock. Better just give up now, then." And so I did and got married and divorced, moved to LA and now I live in Crestwood and dye my hair with Clairol Natural Instincts Midnight.

That story really went somewhere, didn't it?!


  1. The Breeders Pod may be my favorite recording ever, but it has to be listened to from start to finish (it's only 30 minutes long).

  2. I think my life would be empty without your wit. And BTW, you are totally cool. The fact that you don't think you are cool just shows how cool you really are.

  3. i was just thinking of that song the other day.

  4. I sure do miss L'Oreal Blue Black.
