Friday, April 17, 2009

Twitter Polling - Poor Bono...

I wrote a whole intro to this post and then Blogger or U2 ate it... here are the results for this week's Twitter Polling. Don't worry, the intro sucked. You didn't miss anything... I don't think.

Would you rather control the weather or your co-workers? Surprisingly, co-workers only got one vote ("because the weather isn't a loud and lazy idiot that you have to share a cubicle with"), giving weather the win.

Would you rather travel constantly (not being able to stay in the same place for more than six months) or stay where you are forever? I'm bad at predicting these things and travel took it by two. @TheOtherJeff replied, "Travel constantly. I've never lived more than ten miles from where I was born, for crying out loud. I need to get out," while @beffery asked if there was an expense account involved.

Bono - love him or leave him? Wow, people really don't like the Bono anymore! With comments ranging from "Only blind people and d**kheads wear sunglasses inside" to "Leave Bono in the trash (and everything after Zooropa with him too)," the leave him votes won by a landslide. However, one Bono supporter defended the shade wearing by opining that he has sensitive eyes and "sensitivity needs protection." When I first read this I thought it meant that Bono is so sensitive but now I don't know - does he have some light issue I don't know about?

Foolishly, I asked everyone if they would rather be a zombie or a vampire and well, no one wants to be a zombie (what was I thinking?!). So I amended this the next day with "Would you rather be a vampire or Lord of the Rings style elf?" This time elf took the win by three as Jeff has "always wanted to improve my magical skills" and @jason1749 said, "Definitely an elf. I totally need to lose some weight and while I've seen some fat vampires, I've never seen a fat elf." @sometomguy thinks "pointy ears are better than pointy fangs."

Okay, that's all the results I have. I'm going to start doing this once a week, I think, because, err, I need to start doing some more productive things... like writing a "Rediscovering Old Loves" for Todd Rundgren's "Hello, It's Me" even though it's currently being used in a Tums commercial. I love me some Tums!

Okay, back to Buntopia... if you're interested in participating in the polls or just following my inane inanities on Twitter you can do so @mspark.


  1. definitely bring on a "lost loves" dispatch for todd r! just last week i sang "hello it's me" as part of a 3am chorus of friends.
    so much pop-goodness on "something/anything." :)
