Sunday, January 4, 2009

Superstars of Dance Episode 1 - This Doesn't Even Rate a Witty Headline Edition

Tonight is the first episode of NBC's Superstars of Dance and Omigod! It's Pasha and Anya from So You Think You Can Dance! The judges lurv them. Even the Chinese guy!

Too bad this show is a low rent version of SYTYCD, Dancing With the Stars and... the Olympics? I mean, I hate to say it but this Bollywood number sucks compared to what Josh and Katee did on SYTYCD.


I hope this show doesn't get canceled before it's over like that thing with George Takei. You know the one... where he sang some c&w? Then again, that would free up a lot of my time so I'm torn.

Ireland's still in the lead right now. Michael Flatley must be thrilled. I'm so glad the Lord of the Dance has returned to us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you posted this because I was thinking the exact same thing last night about the baliwood thing. Josh and Katie rule! We went to bed before the whole thing ended. yawn. The irish guy is a terrible host.
