Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ink Blot

I've been researching tattoo artwork over the last few days and was sad to read that legendary tattoo artist Rollo Banks died last year. I'm so out of it. Rollo did my third and last tattoo 16 years ago. I'm looking forward to reworking my two China Sea pieces into something new this fall when I go to LA.

It's amazing how many Christian tattoos are out there. And how many bad ones (of which I have... three, though to be fair my Rollo piece has held up amazingly well save the lettering which I want to cover, anyway). However, I saw at least two tats that had the word "porn" on them. Seriously? Also, when and why did tramp stamps become so popular? My friend Danny and I used to see them and say, "She got the memo" (like, there must have been some memo that went out telling all the ladies, this is the new hot spot).

I'm watching Step Up and it's as bad on the small screen as it was on the big. I wonder if a woman will win Dancing with the Stars this year. The men seem very... dull (with the notable exception of Adam Carolla who can apparently ride a unicycle). I'm pulling for Marlee Matlin and think Priscilla Presley should go next if for no other reason than I have a hard time looking at her.

I've been tuning in to The Martha Stewart Show because it's cupcake week (and if you don't know, I am a cupcake fiend and have sampled them from coast to coast - okay, sampled is probably the wrong word and "devoured in large quantities" is probably more apt). The guests and audience seem afraid of her. It's rather amusing but not amusing enough to keep watching once cupcake week is over. They did feature some pretty sweet custom made AG jeans, though. If only I had $600 to spend. On jeans. Yeah right.

Lastly, I still get at least three hits a day on this blog from people Googling "Does Bret Michaels wear a hair piece?" Can people really be asking this (meaning, good lord the answer is oh so obvious).

Pop tarts,
Ms. P


  1. Bret appeared Sunday for the first time sans bandanna! The remaining skanks had their parents come to visit, and for this very special occasion, Bret decided to show off his "hair."

    It was even worse than I imagined.

    (Oh yeah. Did I mention I've been watching this again? I need an intervention, stat.)

  2. wow. i almost wish i'd seen that!!
