Sunday, April 6, 2008

Chicken House of Poo

I'm watching Anthony Bourdain travel through Korea and here are two things I don't get:

1. How people can eat chicken feet and ass. Especially MY people!

2. Anthony Bourdain.

I'm off to watch a chili cook-off,
Ms. P


  1. Been a vegetarian since I was 14. I know Anthony is heinously, indiscriminately meaty, but I still love him - mostly 'cause he's not a televised Zagat's guide. He does the street food and home-cookin' and wherever working people eat. He always has that line about judging a country's cuisine on what the poorest people eat - that's where the heart and the history's at. I love watching the huge family meals he goes to - table-fulls of home-cooked real food - no preservatives or KFC buckets or whatever I normally see on my tv. He's snarky but reverent. If the last five minutes of the Beijing ep didn't melt your heart a bit...

    what's not to like?

  2. i just found him whiny - like he was all macho swagger and here i am with my cigarette - but he could barely keep up with the girl showing him around.

    i saw his la show yesterday and found him more watchable.

  3. Bourdain is the Hunter S. Thompson of food writing. I know he's abrasive, and sometimes pretty whiny, but I'd rather watch him than Bobby Flay any night of the week.

  4. okay, i'll give you that. bobby flay is odious.
