Friday, February 22, 2008

The LP Questionnaire - Hanson

(This one's worth the double post -it's also up at my SXSW blog...)

Ahh, it seems like just yesterday the Hanson brothers (Isaac, Taylor and Zac) were discovered at SXSW. However, the boys have been busy over the last 10+ years, recording, touring, having kids, and doing philanthropic work with The Walk Tour. Of course, they're also still really cute.

When I told some friends they did The LP Questionnaire, I got beyond excited responses from gals (and guys, too, like Flatiron Management's Jamie Sampson who saw them play at a US Open Tennis Event in '97) aged 24-37, which proves the power of the Hanson is still strong.

We're pleased as punch that the brothers are headed down for this year's fest. In addition to their show at Cedar Door on Saturday night, the lads are also performing as part of SXSW Live on Thursday evening at 8 pm. This show is free to the public, space permitting.

And without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, Isaac, Taylor and Zac answer some probing questions from yours truly...

The LP Questionnaire

Names: Isaac, Taylor and Zac Hanson
Pro Wrestling Names:
Isaac: Primal Hellfire
Taylor: Booty Peacemaker
Zac: Lord Mysterio

1. Pretend you're 15 (and tell us what year it is, if you don't mind). Name three songs you'd put on a mix tape for your girlfriend/boyfriend.
Isaac: 1995, Two Princes (Spin Doctors), She's Got A Way (Billy Joel), Rip it Up (Little Richard)
Taylor: 1998, Flower (David Garza), Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes (Paul Simon), Since You've Been Gone (Aretha Franklin)
Zac: 2000, Yellow (Coldplay), Writing to Reach You (Travis), Best I Ever Had (Vertical Horizon)

Which evil villain would make the best president?
Isaac: The Brain (Pinky and the Brain)
Taylor: Dr Octopus (he can do eight things at a time)
Zac: Brack from Space Ghost Coast to Coast

3. What was your favorite cartoon as a child?
Isaac: Duck Tales
Taylor: Animaniacs
Zac: Tiny Toons

4. What superpower do you wish you had?
Isaac: The ability to morph into animals
Taylor: X-Ray Vision
Zac: Super Strength

5. What would the title of your autobiography be?
Isaac: Words Of Wisdom With A Foot In My Mouth
Taylor: It's Been A Long Road
Zac: 1 Man 40,000 Gamer Points

1 comment:

  1. i think those are some of the best answers you've gotten so far. but i'm still totally freaked out by the fact that the youngest one is about to be a daddy.
