Friday, February 22, 2008

Clinton/Obama Debate in Austin

Here's a picture Tom sent of me on TV at the CNN Clinton/Obama Debate tonight.

I feel super famous now.

Actually, what I feel is super tired and my ass hurts from sitting on wooden bleachers for four hours.

It was pretty cool to see the side of Obama's head (which is kind of tiny), though. And a quarter of Hillary's face.

I was in a row with two girls who were pro-Clinton and one woman who was undecided but leaning towards Mrs. C. So that made four of us, at least, as the crowd felt overwhelmingly pro-Obama. They even hissed at Clinton and granted, I wasn't impressed by her going negative. I hate that shit.

I'm sorry I said shit. It's been a long day.

History has been witnessed. Now I'm back at work.

Maybe The Go! Team will cheer me up.

Ms. P


  1. You had a ticket to the debate!!!
    I wish I could have been there!
    I loved it at the end when Hilary reached over and said she was honored to be there with him.
    It was so genuine of here. Best of her I have seen. And she looked great in that black number with the yellow highlights.
    Great debate!!!

  2. Damn it, I had meant to watch that last night, instead I went to bed at 8:30. Hopefully CNN will replay it tonight so I can record it.

  3. Well, don't forget to look for me! That's the most important part!


    Hillary's closing statement was so well done, I thought we were all standing and applauding for her - then I realized it was over. Oops.
