Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tom Cruise on Tom Cruise, Scientologist

Well, I'm tired of chasing Tom Cruise's weirdo video around the internet so her'es Jerry O'Connell doing his best Tom Cruise, Scientologist.

As long as someone keeps finding it, I'll keep posting it. This one seems different, though. This appears to be about 9/11 and how Scientologists saved people at Ground Zero or something. I don't know. Tom Cruise could talk about the weather now and he would sound like a loon.

Okay, so TC is apparently all powerful and this video keeps getting removed. So here it is again. For now.

Wow, Tom Cruise sure is scary. I mean terrifying. I'm going to hide under my bed now.


  1. Holy Days of Thunder!

    He's coo-coo for Coco-Puffs.

    Why does he have to be so pretty?

  2. It was all the weird Scientology abbreviations followed by hysterical laughter that did me in.

    I had no idea he was such a freak. I mean, I had an inkling but this is... wow.

    Agreed about the church. My mother was telling me how nuts the Mormon church is and how they believe all this weird stuff and I was just like... look at the shit you believe, lady!

  3. "What we need to do," he said, "is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than trying to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other and how we treat the family."

    - Mike Huckabee, today.

    Thanks Mike, you've just made me crap my pants!
