Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mitt Romney Just Called Asia a Country

Then Mitten listed India... which is in Asia. He followed that with, "It's time for the politicians to leave Washington and for the citizens to take over..." Err, what are you Mitt, if not a consummate politician?

That liberal John McCain must be happy. Mac really does appear to be back.

MSNBC just cut Rudy Giuliani off which is a relief because I was getting kind of weirded out over his spray on tan (or maybe it was the Florida sun?), and the guy behind him with the blue sunglasses. Why was he wearing sunglasses? Why was Giuliani sweating so profusely - although the answer to that seems obvious, he put all his eggs in the Sun Sign State (did anyone catch Tim Russert calling Florida that? Hee hee), and he lost. Big time. Oops. He's going to endorse McCain tomorrow.

I just read this amusing story about George Bush saying hello to Barney Frank's boyfriend. However, I'm also bummed that this is only newsworthy because Frank is gay.

I feel like I spend more time with David Gregory and Chuck Todd than my husband.

Ms. P


  1. OK, I've switched to watching the coverage on MSNBC, and within 2 minutes, I want to punch Chis Matthews in the face. It's not even what he's saying, it's just his voice.

    Tim Russert looks like he hasn't showered in a while.

  2. Sorry!

    CM really doesn't know how to stop talking. He's constantly near foaming at the mouth.

    Tim's definitely looking rough. I love that.

    Anyway, you gotta love Brian Williams, right? Is it just me? I also dig David Gregory and Chuck Todd. I can't remember when CNN lost me, but they did.

  3. CNN lost me by continuing to give a paycheck to Bill Bennett. That guy is awful.

    I've always liked Olberman too.

    Bye Rudy!

  4. Yes, see, MSNBC pays Pat Buchanan! He's harmless and funny!

    I like Olbermann, but sometimes when he's staring into the camera he looks like a serial killer.

  5. Pat Buchanan: the nation's racist uncle that everyone just ignores at Thanksgiving.

  6. I know. I shouldn't find him endearing, but I do (as long as I don't listen to him too closely and he's laughing). I did make the mistake of listening to one of his books on CD and that was full of all kinds of crazy.

  7. This is kind of sad, Pat keeps trying to make a point, but he takes more than 15 seconds to do so, so they keep cutting him off. I almost feel bad for him.

    Also, he must be using Russert's stylist. Old man needs a tough-up.

  8. Maybe Tim and Pat are bringing grunge back. It's about time for the early 90s to return :shudder:.

    I don't like the liberal chick.
