Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I guess I gave up on watching CNN too soon (or just in time). Goodness gracious. Kyra Phillips and Don Lemon get their milk and cookies on here.

John Edwards is out of the race, but is he still hoping to get on the ticket? Is he a potential Obama running mate or future Hillary endorser?

Sarah Jessica Parker is producing an art world reality show. Project Artway, as it were. I already don't want to watch it but know I will. Sigh.

Israel wants the Beatles back, apparently, after banning them from playing more than 40 years ago. You say shalom, I say goodbye...

Moving on, fellow Kentuckians, please tell me, do we really want this rock back? Every time I read about us on Fark it's some story that only reinforces my friends singing the Deliverance theme song to me when I moved here. But maybe this rock is really important? I honestly don't know. Funnily enough, the only local politician I've ever corresponded with is Reginald Meeks, who's sponsoring this Return the Rock movement.

Now that South Carolina's over and Super Tuesday is coming up (Feb 5), here's a handy guide to the 2008 Democratic calendar featuring primary dates and delegate numbers. For all you Republicans (though I can't imagine any Repubs read my blog, I would be happy to be wrong), here's yours.

And finally, for those of us in our late 30s/early 40s, apparently we're on the slow slide to the worst days of our lives. Bummer, huh? At least we can start enjoying things again when we hit 50.

Back to le grind,
Ms. P


  1. a reality show art contest?
    that makes me kind of angry, actually. especially at sjp. you'd think anyone with any real appreciation of art or respect for an artist's integrity would be opposed to this sort of thing.

  2. Oh man, that rock thing.... Is there nothing to do in KY? Thank God Illinois is the alpha-dog State of the Mid-west, we just take other State's cultural heritage. Hell, it's the American way.

    As for the art-reality show, it could suck, but you KNOW the contestants are going to be crazy and incredibly pretentious, so it could be must-see TV.

  3. Kyra Phillips is my new hero. I never heard "reverse oreo" used in a racial AND sexual context before.

  4. That rock thing is so strange. Oh, Kentucky, you never cease to amaze me.
