Monday, December 3, 2007

We Can Be Heroes: Just for One Hour

Heroes Spoiler Alert...

Is Nathan Petrelli really dead? Will Adam Monroe live forever... in a coffin? Sylar is back after injecting himself with Claire's blood, but yick. Why? Elle saves the day but is it too little too late? Is she really Bob Bishop's daughter? I'm failing to see the family resemblance. I love how Matt Parkman gets people to do his bidding by craning his neck forward and looking alternately confused and constipated. And what about Niki? Or Jessica? Or whatever her name is... Why, oh, why must we wait til 2008? Just as Heroes was stopping the suckage. Drat. Will the writer's strike further impede our quest? Double drat!

I've stopped watching Reaper in favor of Chuck but tonight's episode is getting on my last nerve (although Adam Baldwin - still groovy!) However, I maintain that Morgan, as dopey and irritating as he is, is still better than chubby best friend on Reaper. That guy really needs a smack.

I went back to tae kwon do class for the first time in six weeks tonight. My stupid toe is still broken so I could only do half the kicks which is fine since I only have about half the ability. The ass kicking will be in serious short supply for another few weeks it seems. Bummer.

I started the Angie Harmon diet today and I'm starving. This isn't an actual diet that Ms. Harmon recommends or does herself, but whenever I feel like eating junk I now say "Angie Harmon" and visualize her 20 times thinner than mine physique. I'll let you know if it works. What I'm really visualizing are some grumpy weeks ahead, but after cupcaking my way from Beverly Hills to Portland to New York (and not exercising at all), well, err, yeah. I recently bought an unforgiving scale, too, which is. not. helping. at. all.

This Thursday marks episode 300 of ER. It's amazing that show is still on. And that people still care. It's impressive, actually, as Pushing Daisies is on episode 8, and I think I'm already sick of it. Take me back to when I thought it would be my new favorite show!

Okay, time to watch Law & Order: SVU. Remember the one where Zeljko Ivanek had an affair with his daughter and she had two babies by him which she subsequently threw in the trash? Yeah. Totally gross. Saw that one last night. And I really like him as an actor. Not so sure anymore. ::shudder::

It's greenie time!
Ms. P


  1. David Anders will always be Sark to me. I can't call him Adam. And I've been waiting for major characters do die on Heros for weeks now only to have them be brought back to life with Claire's blood. What kind of crap is that? I don't think Nathan is dead. Although if evil mamma has her way... maybe he is.

  2. The Angie Harmon diet. Fantastic!

  3. He is good. Did you watch him on Damages? Another shudderingly flawed character.

    To onearm, I assume you're talking about DA on Alias, right? I confess I stopped watching the show by the time he came around. Maybe a good thing because I don't like the look of him. I wish they'd let the Mexican hero die. Not because I'm racist but because her character SUCKS. You want Nathan to gone, huh? I like N better than Peter although his hair was rather distressing last night.

    And Maisy... I'll keep you posted. :)
