Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ugly Betty Made Me Cry

More TV recaps and some snooze, I mean news...

Oooh, what a dirty trick! I was all excited to see that Santos survived the convenience store robbery cliffhanger from last season and (admittedly, I didn't see the first two minutes of the show so if it was explained that this was Hilda grieving, I missed it). Anyway, I was charmed by the scenes of them planning the wedding with him reading the vows and she in her dress and then BAM! Hilda's alone in the dark and it was all just a fantasy or dream and :sob:! Here's something I find a bit lame, and I guess they had to do this for the Hilda storyline, but now Justin's behavior throughout the ep seems mighty weird.

At least Henry makes his way back to New York at the end of the show and in a scene that for some reason reminded me of the beginning of the "Welcome to the Jungle" video by Guns 'n Roses, we see him getting off the bus in Times Square and that's the end of the show.

Grey's Anatomy
I haven't seen this series since the first couple of episodes where Meredith Grey's earnest and completely awful voice overs turned me off forever, but I thought hey, I'll give it another shot. Not much has changed, I'm sad to say. The last ep I watched had Izzie treating someone in the parking lot and this episode had Izzie treating some... thing in the parking lot. I really wish this show was called Christina Yang's Anatomy instead. That is a show I would watch, but I guess it doesn't make for as clever a title.

My DVR decided to pick tonight to become possessed so I have nothing to say about Big Shots except that, goodness, I hope it's not as dreadful as the commercials make it look.

Oh, oh, oh! Very exciting news today... The fourth season of Project Runway starts November 14.

Enough TV, let's talk about Bill O'Reilly (oh wait, that is TV) who said today, ""[I]f I could strangle these people and not go to hell and get executed... I would -- but I can't. ... All I can do is expose them. And I will." He's referring to the media who have portrayed his racist statements as, err, racist. We all know Bill O'Reilly is a nutcase but can't you get arrested for saying crap like that?

And finally, a recent study shows that men are happier than women. This is news? One thing I found funny: "Men apparently enjoy being with their parents, while women find time with their mom and dad to be slightly less pleasant than doing laundry." Any thoughts, ladies?

Oh bleah, Mitch McConnell is acting like a robot in some senate proceeding. (I'm watching The Daily Show as I write, and could someone please tell me why the ad was important enough to generate a Senate vote for condemnation?) I read the article in the Courier-Journal about how Mitchie has a much higher approval rating than the president although funnily enough, when I Googled MM to get the link, all the hits were for sites talking about how his ratings keep dropping. Oh well, at least Beshear's lead over Fletcher is holding strong even though the RGA made another one of those horribly stupid and offensive commercials slamming him. I feel sorry for that little girl (unless she really is as smug and snotty as the ads make her look).

Alright, time for sleeps.

Pleasant dreams,
Ms. P


  1. I totally agree with you. This episode hit very close to home.I recently lost my fiance, we were 5mos short of our wedding.When I saw Hilda and Santos together I was so happy for them.Then when Betty goes in to Hilda's room and she is all alone, my heart was broken all over again. Ugly Betty made my cry....

  2. I'm so very sorry to hear that and can't even imagine what it must be like to go through such a tragedy (though for some reason I think about it a lot with my husband). Best wishes to you and thanks for your comment.

  3. Loved Ugly Betty! I was totally fooled thinking "Oh they didn't kill Santos off after all. How nice." Silly silly me. I teared up at the end.
    Percy Winterbottom & I are both super excited for the next Project Runway. But what I really wanna know is... which lovely lady will win Bret's heart in Cabo?

  4. Dude, you know it's gonna be Heather. Right? Uh, right?

  5. Heather is so perfect for him it's beyond words. I hope he writes a song about her.
