Monday, April 26, 2010

High Five Etiquette

People who know me know I have a complicated relationship with the high five. This was never an issue in my life until I tour managed My Morning Jacket years ago although now it seems more pervasive. At work in Austin for SXSW I get people attempting this maneuver, as well.

For a long time I explained my reticence by saying, "High fiving - if I did it - says more about me than it does about you." My thought process was something along the line of "well heeled ladies of a certain age do not high five." Nevermind that I am not a well heeled lady. I'm not sure, actually, what a well heeled lady is.

It became such a running joke with the guys (and has continued with their new TM) that they would taunt me with a hand in the air, and I came to truly fear this friendly gesture. However, since I'm turning 40 in June I've decided to stop being such an uptight biyaatch and just go with it. I think this handy guide will help me in that endeavor. It might just help you, too.

(This wonderfully amusing video comes to you via @Beffery who is graciously bringing me Tim Tams from Australia to Columbia, MD this weekend where I will enjoy them while watching my first MMJ show in over a year.)

1 comment:

  1. that was a hilarious and self-aware look at such a forgettable social convention. i actually have a similar issue with the high-five, i feel vindicated for some reason now.
