Saturday, January 16, 2010

Leno vs Leno

Oopsie. I guess he should have qualified this statement with "Until seven months later when I decide I don't want out and Jeff Zucker and I decide to screw him."

That being said, for some reason I remember Jay not really wanting to leave and sort of being forced to give up The Tonight Show despite what he says here. Am I on crack?

1 comment:

  1. i remember hearing that Leno was made to step down before he wanted to.

    but this clip. well. damn. i wish someone would have reminded jay about this about a month ago.

    nbc's unceremonious dumping of conan has been so disappointing. i was working at universal studios while they were building the new studio and everyone was excited about it.

    i wonder what the mood will be on the lot if leno moves to the new stage to host the tonight show.
