Monday, January 11, 2010

Hoarders - Help Me Make It Through The Night

You love Englebert Humperdink, don't you?

It's the perfect song for me to tell you about Hoarders tweeting... something my friend Yael and I do every Monday night because we are morons who apparently have some masochism issues. You should join in the, err, fun...

Scarier than Paranormal Activity (although, was that really scary? Looked kind of stupid... perhaps I should say "Scarier than they said Paranormal Activity was, but I wouldn't know)... Hoarders... you can't turn away. Follow along @grace6697 and @mspark.


  1. addtional impetus: englebert humperdink and i share a birthday. high five on a full circle!

  2. Oy. I will try again to watch it.
