Thursday, March 12, 2009


I'm on Twitter now... because I so enjoy learning to love things I once hated.

I think you can follow me and my inanity here.

Are you guys twits? Now that I twhirl and ping, twittering doesn't seem so complicated and disturbing.

Let's not talk about how I've set all this stuff up while doing 90 bazillion other things.

Also - poll: 2010... two thousand ten or twenty ten?

I think I need to sleep now.


  1. Twenty Ten sounds better in my opinion. It just has more of an intergalactic ring. Twenty ten signifies the beginning of a new decade. We could call it the thirties though the way our economy is right now. I just couldn't help myself from that one.

  2. Twenty ten has more of an intergalactic ring. Although I envision it will be more like Ayn Rand's version from the thirties.

  3. - i assume you wanted the last comment but i like them both so am leaving them as is... plus i look cooler with more comments, right?
