Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rediscovering Old Loves - Subdvisions

I'm still at work. Boo hoo, right? But work doesn't have to suck because I have the internets! Which means I can futz around and post Rush videos... which means I'll only be here later... which means I'm possibly not too bright.

But I'm getting off point. This is one of my favorite Rush tracks and I love that the vid features a guy playing Tempest, the best video game ever!

I used to stand on the fence in my backyard when I was 13 and listen to this song while watching the cars move on in the distance... hoping I could go to there.


  1. Damn you are DO know this is my favorite band, right? And Signals IS my favorite album!

  2. i did NOT know that, but i DID just read your bio thingy and see that you liked the rush (not limbaugh, although you may like him, too, if so, well, so be it).

    signals is totally kick ass. "losing it" is my second favorite song on the record.

  3. My favorite on the entire record is Chemistry...or is it The Weapon? Or Digital Man? Awww man, I love the whole thing!
