Monday, February 2, 2009

Song For A Day - Coming In From the Cold

I'm sitting here watching The Craft (Fairuza Balk = super creepy) and working in the cozy confines of my office at home. I'm still relishing the joy of electricity, even turning on a light feels luxurious and magical.

The Australian Open men's final was an exciting few hours of my yesterday, and I'm thrilled that Rafael Nadal has his first hard court Grand Slam win but sad that Roger Federer was denied equaling Pete Sampras' 14 Slam titles. This is mostly because I can't stand Pete Sampras, I will freely admit. He once nearly mowed me over at a party and I just... haven't been able to move past that. Just kitten. Though that story is true, what really bothered me about Sampras was his robotic roboticness and lack of personality. Anyway, I hope Fed can pick up Wimbledon or the US Open this year... or even the French so he can get a career slam, but I don't have much hope for him there.

Anyway, to celebrate my good fortune (and the fortune of all of us with power - my thoughts go out to those of you surviving without!), here's a Song for a Day... fittingly... The Delgados' "Coming in from the Cold."

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear you've got power again! how many pb&js did you have to give the lge guys to get it back in time for the tennis match?
    it's one thing to live like you're camping...when you're camping. :)
