Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm So Discombobulated I Forgot to Headline This When I First Hit "Publish Post"

This was the view from my front door this morning. Though I've been (possibly unduly) suffering at the hands of the cold, I can still appreciate good light and the romance of snow and ice.

Showering and sitting in a warm room shouldn't be a luxury, but I guess they are. I've thought about my dependency on all things modern lately and feel a bit guilty. I tend to be self-reliant to a fault (see: staying in a house by myself with no power in sub-freezing temperatures for three days), and when Tom's gone I spend the majority of my time alone. However, I'm never really alone with the TV and internets going 24/7, right?

I haven't watched the telly in three days and now don't want to. I saw that Serena Williams won the Australian Open and didn't much care, but then I wouldn't, anyway. If Dinara Safina had pulled it off, I would be pretty sad to have missed that.

However, tomorrow Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer meet up for the first time in a hard court Grand Slam final so, you know, I really really want to see that, but I don't want to impose on anyone to do so.

So, from my keyboard to the God of LG&E's ears, may I please have my electricity back for the Australian Open Men's Final? I'm not asking for much, I don't think.


  1. What a lovely view.

    You are truly resiliant (sp?) for staying at home without power that long. I would have been in a hotel. I try to enjoy nature when I can, but only when the temperatures are bearable. ;)

  2. resilient. :)

    i had a chance to go into the wild and to be honest, i'd rather not go back. it was an interesting experience, though!
