Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This Just Scared The Crap Out Of Me


Thanks a LOT Anna!

Although you're right, it's not as frightening as this:


  1. My first reaction to that photo was, "Well, hell, now I'll have nightmares tonight. Thanks!" But now...I kinda just want to hug the little old lady that must be under that makeup, was her face, and give her some bareMinerals.

    Now I'll just have nightmares involving Sasha Fierce.

  2. Um. Wash her face, not was her face. I'm not much to look at, but I'm not quite that jarring.

  3. I wasn't trying to be mean about the little old lady. I just - I really didn't - and still don't - understand that picture!!!

  4. Oh, I know! I didn't intend for what I said to be taken like that. I know what you mean...even though I feel all helpy, it still gives me the freakin' willies to look at that pic. It really is disturbing in some way I can't really describe.
