Saturday, November 15, 2008

Barack Obama's First YouTube Address

The new fireside chat.


  1. At least we now have a president-elect who ascribes to the American values expressed by Lincoln - government of the people, by the people and for the people.

    We can write Congress and tell them to get the lead out and pass an economic stimulus package that includes extending unemployment benefits--to get the economic recovery underway.

    Thanks President-Elect Obama for standing up for American values.

    Citizens - the ball's in your court. Email your congress person. (House member for now).

  2. I'm sure we'll find out about the oppressive tax increases soon enough, but what about the appointments of close supporters, such as clown who is one of the most partisan hacks in D.C....

    President elect Barack Obama’s first appointment, Rahm Emanuel, who is set to become chief-of-staff, is the son of a member of the Zionist terrorist group Irgun, which was responsible for bombing hotels, marketplaces as well as the infamous Deir Yassin massacre, in which hundreds of Palestinian villagers were slaughtered.

  3. @barry: Irgun has not been active since the late 1940's. I tend to be one who feels that the son should not suffer for the sins of the father, but that's just me. I also feel we are able as independent beings to not be the mirror images of our parents. My own father is a racist and misogynist, as well as a fan of the KKK (along with the rest of his side of the family). Odd how I avoided developing these things myself, or perhaps I'm only in denial. I do hope I don't suddenly have an irresistible urge to run off and perform lynchings.
