Friday, August 29, 2008

James Dobson Prayed for Rain and God Answered

James Dobson and those wacky fun folks over at Focus on the Family prayed for rain rain rain to fall on Mile High Stadium during Barack Obama's speech tonight.

Unfortunately, they may have prayed too hard as it now seems inclement weather, in the form of Tropical Storm Gustav, may cause next week's Republican National Convention to be postponed.

This one calls for Milli Vanilli for sure. Whatever you do don't put the blame on you!

I'm so gonna miss Chris Matthews' windblown Schroeder hair. I hope he has another outdoor perch for the Repub Con. I wonder who will challenge him to a duel this time!

Ms. P

ps. I enjoyed Obama's speech but confess it veered into Peanuts teacher territory at times. Also, that vid in the beginning where they talked about his absent father... I don't know about you, but I'm kind of done with Presidents with daddy issues. That said, I doubt you get this ambitious in life without some au contraire mon pere.


  1. Someone actually watched the libs' rhetoric-fest?

  2. As opposed to the conservatives' rhetoric-fest?

    That would be next week. Maybe.

  3. I hadn't seen that Milli Vanilli video in years! (I'd never noticed the theme of domestic violence before.) Now that I know about McCain's running mate, it seems a lot of the Democratic convention was focused on appealing to women. I have a feeling that the absent father and raised by a single mother stuff is supposed to tug on our feminine heartstrings.

  4. I still think the Democrats backed the wrong candidate, but at least the speech had some substance for once.

    Peanuts teacher? All too true, here and there. Ouch!


  5. I am so glad that someone is as concerned with Chris Matthews as I am. There were a couple times this week when I thought his hair was going to take flight, or at the very least get in a fist fight with the guy screaming "9-11 was an inside job!" Oh well, there is always next week.

  6. Who gave a pure and open racist masquerading as a Christian, like James Dobson, the unmitigated gall to invoke the name of the Most Holy, to ask that He will bring rain down upon the head of a true anointed man of God like Barack Obama.

    But look at the sovereign grace of God, who in his infinite wisdom knows that this world is full of fools, who make others think that they are of the Kingdom of God, shows them that no matter what the agents of Satan pray for, God is still in control.

    I wish that somebody would please tell Dobson and these other "evangelicals" that Jehovah God is not a Republican, and he does not act on the selfish and bigoted whims of the RNC.

    But the best part of the story is that ironically, the Lord did answer his call to pray for rain. The Lord saw fit to allow something good to come out of something terrible. Hurricane Gustov has caused the RNC to be scaled down and I pray that these "evangelicals" would see that the Apostle Paul was correct when he said in Galatians not deceived God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. Then verse 8 continues, for the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

    I am praying that God will soften their hearts to ask for his forgiveness before the Lord returns.
