Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Morning Jacket on Saturday Night Live

So, I'm sitting here watching SNL and they just announced that My Morning Jacket will be the musical guest on May 10.

I wonder if Tom knows this? He's in Mexico City buying me a pinata so I'm not sure.

I'm so excited I'm eating a Girl Scout cookie and contemplating the shopping excursions my unexpected jaunt to NYC will provide (which is totally vapid, I know, but if you want deep thoughts, call Jack Handey).

Ms. P


  1. Yay! Congrats to the band ... and have a good time when you go. (Covet a handbag for me, if you think of it.)

  2. That's very, very cool, I'll have to make sure to set the Tivo.

    Will you get to go behind the scenes or at least to the show?

  3. Yes... I've been before (with Beck a zillion years ago) so I've done the whole behind the scenes bit (most exciting part - seeing Will Ferrell and Cheri Oteri walking down the hall in their Spartans cheerleading outfits - so... not that exciting, actually).

    But I'm excited for the guys (and excited to go to NY).
