Friday, March 21, 2008

Homeward Bound

Tom and I begin the somewhat unwieldy trek home today. Unwieldy in that it includes some outlet shopping, an overnight stay with the mom in Dallas and then 13 hours of mind numbing travel (including a ride through the lamest part of Arkansas) tomorrow.

We had our big staff dinner last night and I did feel more engaged than usual (even though people kept kissing me on the head and taking my picture - yick), but all I can think about is a) sleeping in my bed for the first time in two months, b) seeing the dog and cat and c) sitting on my ass staring into space for a few (several) days.

In the meantime... here are some questions for today:

Why is Lipstick Jungle so bad? It's making me dread the Sex and the City movie. I don't feel like these women are successful in either their personal or professional lives and frankly, they're a little scary looking. I maintain that I like those Cashmere Mafia ladies better, but not much. What I should do is like myself the most and turn this dreck off. Bring back Designing Women, I say! Or Golden Girls!

Speaking of the Sex and the City movie, why is Sarah Jessica Parker trying to defend herself regarding this whole Maxim magazine "Unsexiest Woman Alive" title? I would be proud if. Maxim is odious.

How about those ex-prez candidates? John Edwards is still aiming for a VP nom, apparently, as he says either Clinton or Obama would make a great president and Bill Richardson is out to burn some Billary bridges as he endorses Obama today.

I don't know why E-Harmony rejected a zillion people, either. Are they the ones that discriminate against gays? If so, screw them, but I don't know that jumping to, where apparently you don't get vetted at all, is the answer. Or is it?

Time to load the car. Last question for the day... why on earth am I such a pack rat? It looks like I brought my entire house down here. Eesh.

TGIGF and stuff,
Ms. P


  1. You were gone for a super long time! You're totally justified in bringing everything you own with you. I'm an overpacker, so I understand.

    I've tried to watch Lipstick Jungle several times and I just never care enough to sit through the whole hour (or is it half hour? I don't even know!). And that's bad, because as you kind of know, I will watch practically anything on TV.

    Have a safe trip!

  2. I'm all about the Golden Girls. Are they all still alive? They should make a movie. I'd pay big bucks to see it. You know, I love Designing Women, too. I feel sorry for the women younger than me who had to grow up on Sex and the City and Brittany Spears.
