Monday, February 25, 2008

Well Played, Jimmy Kimmel. Well Played.

Jimmy Kimmel does Sarah Silverman and Matt Damon one, err, better...

I just love that Huey Lewis is in this...

I woke up late,
Ms. P


  1. When Josh Groban showed up I nearly peed my pants. Good stuff. Makes me wish I'd stayed up last night. OK, maybe not so much.

  2. God bless You Tube. Although, I didn't get to sleep til nearly 1 or 2 or something last night. Stupid stress!!!

  3. That sucks, so are you going to be in a perpetual state of losing your mind until SXSW is over?

  4. Are you kidding?! What mind?!!

    Between blogging here, blogging at SXSW, and the four other jobs I do (and I have a record review due at the LEO, oops)... Uh... I am really just a world champion whiner. The rest of the year you can find me on my ass watching Oprah, so I should really just stfu.

    But I thank you for your concern. That's very kind.

    My hair will be red soon, that's all I'm sayin'... ;)

  5. You know, I've never watched Jimmy Kimmel, but now I might. Was the FedEx delivery guy Brad Pitt or is my Internet connection totally whack?

    Don't stress too much, Linda. It'll all be okay.
