Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mike Huckabee at CPAC

Chuckabee just said, "We don't need governments telling us how to raise our kids and grow our families." He followed this with, "I will not just support but be willing to lead a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution."

Well... okay. Nice way to contradict yourself in the space of two minutes. I'm betting that "Human Life Amendment" doesn't include abolishing the death penalty.

We all know Mr. H is cuckoo for Cocoa Cocoa Puffs. I don't even want him as a VP, but I'm guessing he'll end up on the ticket.

And I realize that he's an affable guy who's done good things for the poor, and I admire his anti-obesity campaign and all... I even enjoy his Colbert Report appearances. I just think that's how we get suckered. How many moderates are watching him on CPAC early on a Saturday morning and listening to this crazy talk? Only goobers like me!

I maintain that the wisest choice for President is so wise he/she will never run. Becoming President isn't even as honorable as becoming the next American Idol anymore with all the pandering one has to do. If you look at the map above, this is how we voted in 2004. It speaks volumes... loud, annoying, screechy volumes. Abolish the Electoral Collge, says I.

It sure is nice outside, but I'm going to work,
Ms. P

1 comment:

  1. You did not make a very good initial statement.

    How the heck is it contradictory to say that families should have a primary role in education and that we shouldn't kill the elderly and unborn for conveniance?
