Tuesday, February 5, 2008

John Mayer Scares Me

Oh. My. God.
This might not be work safe. I honestly don't know. It is definitely not people safe.

Internet Friend Jason, if you're reading, this is worse than that John Travolta picture.

Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Chuckabee and Obama all won some stuff. So did that Romney guy. More on that later.

My eyes! My eyes!
Ms. P


  1. I've got one of those in mesh.

  2. I know I'm going to have a nightmare about Chris Matthews, Tom Brokow and Kieth Olberman discussing that picture at length.

  3. Thanks a lot! I think that may have wilted my libido for the rest of my life...

  4. Which picture? The JM or the JT? They are both painful.

    I'm sorry to do that to you - to all of you.

    Jason, I had a weird vision of them drooling when I read that. How awful.

  5. Both, but JM was slightly more revolting than JT. Probably doesn't help that I hate his sap-fest music. At least JT has Vincent Vega going for him...
