Sunday, February 24, 2008

Academy Awards - Regis on the Red Carpet

Regis looks positively orange.

George Clooney's date looks like she's wearing some drapes. Nice drapes, but drapes nonetheless. I heard he met her in Vegas and she was a cocktail waitress.

Regis is also positively kooky.

Marion Cotillard and her Gaultier dress are hot. The lady who is interviewing her... not so much.

I recant my statement about Kelly Preston's dress. I was fooled by E!'s good camera angles. Things are way harsher over here on ABC.

Javier Bardem... another cute Spaniard. How much longer do we have to hear about that hairdo?

Oh look, it's Hannah Montana. Another preternaturally poised CHILD. Eek.

Here's Jennifer Garner sans Gary Busey. I bet she's relieved to be free of the tyranny of the Buse.

I will never be as cool as Helen Mirren. Not even close.

Daniel Day Lewis and his earrings are back. I hate to make fun because DDL is pretty amazing.

Amy Adams seems ever so sweet. I'm suspicious because of the red hair, but she was totally fab in Enchanted.

Now Regis is talking to normal people. That's nice. Who cares?

Oooh, I love the Price Waterhouse dudes.

Ellen Page is gonna get slammed for this look. It's okay, though, as she, too, is way cooler than I'll ever be. So, you know, at least she has that.

Every time I see Hilary Swank, I do not think two-time Best Actress winner. I think the Next Karate Kid.

Okay, I'll blog the first half of the show and post it, then cover the second. Yes, I will be four Oscar posts strong - or is that four Oscar posts crazy?

Less than four minutes til showtime! Oh boy!

Oh, Jon Stewart will be wearing Armani, if you were wondering.

Regis just called Javier Bardem "Xavier". Sigh...

1 comment:

  1. I also thought Marion Cotillard looked great in her dress. I saw a post show where she was picked as a worst dressed??

    Daniel Day Lewis was also recognized as poorly dressed- but I too can't let myself poke fun at the DDL.

    Every time I see Hilary Swank I think of "Boys Don't Cry" and this interview: Swank’s performance was haunting and powerful. And "Boys Don't Cry" earned her an Academy Award for Best Actress. It was a part for which she was paid just $75 a day -- $3,000 in total.

    She won the Oscar, but it didn't take long after that to find out what respect or clout it gave her.

    "I was getting a prescription filled. And they said, 'You know, that's, you know, $280. And I said, 'Oh, no, no. I have my insurance card. Put it on my insurance,'" says Swank. "And they said, 'We tried.' And I said, 'Well, can you try again?' And they said, 'We tried a bunch of times.' I mean, they knew me. That was my pharmacy. So I called my insurance company, and they said, 'There's a minimum you have to make in order to make health insurance.' And at that time, it was $5,000 a year."

    She had only made $3,000 for "Boys Don't Cry."

    "So, I had an Academy Award, and I didn't have health insurance," says Swank, laughing. "The life of an actor."
