Monday, January 28, 2008

State of the Union: Dick Cheney is a Toad

Seriously, I kept waiting for his little tongue to zip out so he could catch a fly. I did like his magenta tie, though.

I have nothing to report about the State of the Union Address because President Bush didn't say much, but when does he ever? It was 55 minutes of the Peanuts teachers. Mwrah-mrah-mrah mrah mrah-mrah-mrah.

What struck me most was the weird, creepy high school vibe I got seeing Barack Obama sitting with Ted Kennedy. It totally reminded me of the popular senior picking one kid out of obscurity while turning a cold shoulder to another. It was so very "You can sit with me at assembly, but Hillary's out. Ha ha." I felt like I was watching Mean Girls: The Senate Years.

That said, I can't wait for the future, which might be short if either the asteroid or the spy satellite get us.

In other news, Christopher Nolan wrote a touching tribute to Heath Ledger in this week's Newsweek, and furthering the warm and fuzzy, here's an update on the fate of Michael Vick's pit bulls.

Tom goes back to Kentucky tomorrow so I'm bummed. It's nice to, you know, see your spouse and stuff.

Later tater,
Ms. P

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I saw that. Generally, I don't actually mind Rick Warren that much (even though I should). That interview was awkward with a capital "A."

    I saw Obama's people trying to explain away his turned back on MSNBC this morning. They said he was just trying to give Hillary some time with Ted. Err, so he couldn't even say hello?
