Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A Daily Show, A Dance War

Last night was a full on exciting night of TV with the premiere of Dance War: Bruno vs Carrie Ann and the return of The Daily Show (heretofore known as A Daily Show until the strike ends) and The Colbert Report.

I also watched last week's Project Runway and was actually impressed by the final frocks (and a bit sad to see Elisa go after hearing the tragic story of how she got run over by a Porsche). Rami's vinyl and paper Twizzler dress was pretty darn cute and I quite liked Jillian's Twizzler corset even though she bores me. I now have hope for this show again even though it seems a bit pathetic that the only drama comes in the form of one Christian Siriano and his stupid hair (nice Reese's wrapper dress, though).

Frankly, though I understand the demands of the writers and their rights to fair revenue from internet sales, I also understand that the writers are about ten people on a staff of hundreds (most of whom get paid less). So... I have no problem with the late night shows returning (and am enjoying Conan and Dave's strike beards. Jay Leno still sucks. I actually couldn't tell he had no writers. It's the same lame crap either way. That said, I have heard that Jay Leno is a very nice man so I don't want to be too mean).

A Daily Show was a bit strange. I couldn't tell whose side Jon Stewart was on. Neither, it seemed, as he appeared to take both the WGA and the AMPTP to task. Stewart and his audience both seemed a bit manic. We'll see how things progress. Colbert was pretty funny sans writers, which doesn't surprise me as he improvs his right-wing blowhard character fairly regularly. He also padded the show with clips which helped fill the space. Andrew Sullivan appeared, and I think he's dyeing his beard now.

As for Dance War: Bruno vs Carrie Ann. These two are not the most discerning judges I've ever seen. If you weren't complete crap they loved you. I'm also disturbed that they picked the guy with the tail. However, I expect Zack the Chin, the pre-med future dentist who looks a lot like Michael McDonald from ATO Records, to do well. This means he will be out next week. I'm also annoyed that they took the poor man's Britney over her pal with the cute bob as they cut the girls from Louisiana from three to one. I can't say I really enjoyed Bruno (is he gay or straight?) vs Carrie Ann (she used to be a pop star in Japan! How neat!) so whether or not I stick with it is up in the air. It's only six weeks, though. So maybe...

Tonight is the New Hampshire Primary! Can you feel the excitement in the air?! I love how all my political pundits were dressed like they were at a ski lodge when they broadcast from NH last Sunday. Even David Gregory, although his patent-leather Prada clad feet told a different story. I just love DG. Did you see him dancing on the Today show? Awesome!

Until tomorrow,
Ms. P

1 comment:

  1. I liked that Colbert broke "character" and seemed genuniely moved by the crowd's ovation upon his return.

    I felt that stewart was backing the writers, but felt pissed because they wouldn't cut him a deal like they did with Letterman. I think the reasoning why the WGA wouldn't is that Comedy Central owns TDS and they want the entire company to cut a deal with them, rather than one-off shows. Letterman's entire company cut a deal with them.

    And yes, I agreee that Leno has always sucked.

    Did you see/hear Clinton's moment yesterday where she started to tear up a little about how hard it is to deal with all of the negative stuff on the campaign? It was a great, genuine moment for her, something I don't think I've ever seen from her. I'm still backing Obama though.
