Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bill Kristol Can Kiss My Butt

On any given day, I would probably possess that sentiment but Fox News' Bill Kristol had this to say about Hillary Clinton's win in New Hampshire:

"It's the tears. She pretended to cry, the women felt sorry for her, and she won."

I confess that I'm almost suspicious about my affection for Hillary. But wrong or right, she's my choice. So Bill Kristol, you can suck it. You insulted Hillary, you insulted women, you insulted emotion and you and the white man establishment are going down. So there! Okay, the white man establishment thing might be a pipe dream but a girl can fantasize, right?

John McCain pulled off a semi-stunning victory. I don't know that he win another one, though. There was a time when I respected JM, but his evangelical pandering really irked me. Also, his current wax museum look isn't going to play well in a general election. Especially if he's up against Obama.

Speaking of Barack, part of me wants to embrace him 100%. He's attractive, he's a top notch orator who seems to be channeling Martin Luther King Jr., he represents a hopeful feeling we haven't had in years and he's really intelligent. I just get an uncomfortable greener than a Greenie feeling about him. I don't know if he's ready. I wish it was 2012. However, there's that whole quote about greatness being thrust upon you or something - you know the one you hear in every sports movie. Maybe he'll surprise us.

I am curious, though. Please tell me what you think - do you believe America would elect a woman or an African American first? I honestly don't know which is part of what makes this year so exciting. I think John Edwards is all but out (James Denton from Desperate Housewives' support aside).

Tom and I watched the New Hampshire Primary results while eating dinner and playing gin. We are so senior citizen. It's awesome.

The sun is shining for a reason,
Ms. P


  1. You know, I was all about thinking that Obama could win the Presidency despite being black, until I overheard the following from the gaggle of cashiers that were discussing the NH primary at the grocery store this morning:

    "I don't like Hillary, but what about Obama? I don't think I want one of them as President."

    After listening in a little more, I realized "them" were not black people, but Muslims, which they assumed he was. This was 30 miles South of Chicago, democratic strong-hold of the Mid-west. I'm really scared.

    Also, after watching CNN for four hours last night, I now officially want to punch both Lou Dobbs and Bill Bennett in the face, hard.

  2. I used to watch CNN but am now an MSNBC gal. Aside from Tucker and Joe, I like all their commentators.

    As for your grocery store experience... when I was in Texas for Cmas my brother asked me if Obama was a Muslim.

  3. Nicole,

    Hilarious comment, thanks.

    I had no idea David Gregory is so tall! He said the Prada boots were his son's idea. You really ought to watch that Today show footage if you haven't already.

    What is up with Chris Matthews' hatred of Hillary. Normally I don't mind CM (and his Sunday morning show is one of my faves) but he is just ... Limbaughesque when he goes after her.

    Joe Scarborough is okay for a Repub and believe it or not I really like Pat Buchanan. I mean, I think he's nuts, but he cracks me up.

    The Kentucky primaries aren't until May. If I had to call this one I would say it's going to go Huckabee/Clinton.

    I really refuse to believe that we could end up with President Huckabee or President Romney. I may be cynical but man... I have to retain some sort of hope that we aren't really going to hell. Especially since I don't even believe in hell.

    Hillary's baggage sucks because it will weigh her down in ways that have nothing to do with the actual tasks at hand. That said, I know something about baggage so I gotta stand by the Hills until I'm forced to possibly change my allegiance to Obama after the convention.

    And if I am, I'm with you. I will vote for Barack with way more enthusiasm than I did for Cold Fish Kerry (I did like this crazy wife, though!).

  4. Chris Matthew said today: "The reason she's a U.S. Senator, the reason she's a candidate for President, the reason she may be a front-runner, is her husband messed around. That's how she got to be Senator from New York. We keep forgetting it. She didn't win it on the merits..."

    Yeah I don’t know what his problem is. Limbaughesque indeed. Maureen Down has similar hate issues that I can’t seem to trace back...

    But oh, Kristol. His mag The Weekly Standard is on stands today - for the whole week! - with a big yellow cover proclaiming, "The Fall of the House of Clinton." Um, whoops?

  5. Re: Kristol/The Weekly Standard (should be The Weakly Standard). Haw Haw.

    Re: Matthews. I heard him say that today and I was appalled.

    I think Clinton is calculating. What politician isn't? What person that wants to be president isn't? Fodder for a post, methinks.

    Re: M Dowd. Somehow I'm not surprised. I think it's not in her nature to like. Besides, most powerful women don't like other powerful women.
