Thursday, December 6, 2007

Those Wacky Republicans!

God wants Mike Huckabee to be president. Don't you, too??! Be like God!

I don't think I approve this message. Are we really supposed to believe that if all the illegal immigrants are deported then rape and drug dealing will magically cease to exist?

Sure. Fairies might send me a pony and a million dollars, too.

Bring on the crazy,
Ms. P


  1. Dude, that Tancredo ad made me feel dirtier than the worse that SVU has to offer.

  2. Or, Romney/Tancredo '08. Wiping out both Atheists & Non-White folk to save our freedom (and women)!

  3. Goodness, I guess I'm screwed, then! Although I like to call myself Agnostic, really.
