Friday, November 16, 2007

The LP Questionnaire - Wax Fang

Louisville Luminaries Week comes to an end with a bang, not a whimper, as Wax Fang takes on The LP Questionnaire. The band, comprised of three charming young men, is one of the few acts I've seen recently that a) actually made me like music again and b) I could tolerate seeing multiple times. Scott Carney (a genius songwriter with a unique voice), Kevin Ratterman (the former Elliott drummer who could give Patrick Hallahan a run for his money) and Jake Heustis (the second cutest bass player in Kentucky) recently released their debut record La La Land. They're performing tomorrow night at Headliners and run run run, I say, to check them out.

Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, Wax Fang...

Name: Scott Carney
Pro Wrestling Name: Sundance Tempest

1. Pretend you're 15. Name three songs you'd put on a mix tape for your
boyfriend/girlfriend (and tell us what year it is).
Hmmm.... let's see. How about:
Beck 'Loser' (Adolescent self esteem is a funny thing, you know?)
Smashing Pumpkins 'Disarm' (Pre Lex Luthor doppelganger Billy Corgan at his sweetest)
Green River 'Chloe Dancer/ Crown of Thorns' (Sad, but True: I used to LOVE this song)

2. Which evil villain would make the best President? If by best, you mean worst, then George W. Bush. Oh wait, he IS president. Besides him I think, maybe, Frank Booth would be interesting as our commander in chief.

3. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? The Mon Chi Chi's. I wanted to be one of them like really, really, really bad.

4. What superpower do you wish you had? Omnipotence. Plain and simple.

5. What would the title of your autobiography be? Near Deaf and Far Sighted: The Irony That is Scott Carney

Name: Kevin Ratterman
Pro Wrestling name: Super Dragon

1. Pretend you're 15. Name three songs you'd put on a mix tape for your girlfriend (and tell us what year it is).
You're all I need - Motley Crue
Thank You - Lez Zeppelin
Never Tear Us Apart - INXS

2. Which evil villain would make the best President? Wiley Coyote

3. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? The Smurfs

4. What superpower do you wish you had? Invisibility

5. What would the title of your autobiography be? Everything appears to be just fine... "and other naive revelations"

Name: Jacob D. Heustis
Pro Wrestling Name: The Grand Champ

1. Pretend you're 15. Name three songs you'd put on a mix tape for your girlfriend (and tell us what year it is). It's 1994. F**k and Run - Liz Phair , I Love You All the Time - Sonic Youth, Venus in Furs - The Velvet Underground.

2. Which evil villain would make the best President? Hal 9000 .....President 9000

3. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? Masters of the Universe

4. What superpower do you wish you had? Shapeshifting

5. What would the title of your autobiography be? Celebration of a Polish Bloodline : A Repetition in 4 Parts

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