Monday, September 24, 2007

What I Get for Googling

I must start today's post with an apology to grammarians everywhere (the photo is of me being sheepish). I like to think I'm one of you but every now and then I mess up real real bad and realize that despite my attempts to edumacate myself, I am just a poor little high school dropout from Plano, Texas. My head hangs in shame and my only advice to people is, "Don't be Googling grammar rules at three in the morning." Being a writer who uses parentheses as a crutch of sorts, you'd think I would be savvy to their ways. And I thought I was, but then I read on some site that you should put the period inside the parenthesis. So I did - and it was wrong - and I will never trust the internet again. However, now I understand the rules, and I've even fixed my past posts so future readers won't see what a goober I am. What's even more embarrassing is that two writers I really admire have both visited the blog and witnessed my grammatical faux pas. So, good readers, if you ever catch me making parenthetical mistakes (or any others, but not mistakes of opinion because I never make those), call me out! And to those who hate people who use hypens for dashes, tough luck. Blogger won't accept "option + hyphen" and I refuse to do the "--" thing. So there!

Speaking of Googling... It's a bit unfortunate that I share a name with a Korean actress who was on Enterprise and Raines. Unfortunate because when I look at the stats for my little Velocity page I see people who are busy searching for "Hot pictures of Linda Park" or "Linda Park porn". So, to the dude in Conway, Arkansas... I know what you're doing, you little perv! How disappointed he must have been when he saw my goofy, completely clothed, mug. Tee hee!

Heroes starts tonight. I haven't seen Tom this excited about something on the telly in ages so it better be good. Chuck and Journeyman premiere this evening, as well. I don't think I mentioned how happy I am to see My Bodyguard (Adam Baldwin in Chuck) back in action! Maybe they could write a little part for Chris Makepeace! Speaking of Chris Makepeace, has anyone else seen Mazes and Monsters (which starred CM and a little-known at the time actor named Tom Hanks)? What a genius piece of moviemaking.

But I digress...
Ms. P

ps. My friend Tina asked me if I was covering the visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and no, I'm not (although, what do you think about them not letting him place a wreath at Ground Zero?) but she had the funniest description of him that he'll probably ever get. In fact, I hope he Googles himself and finds this. She said, "He looks like a smug, Ahole who thinks he's really hot." So true.


  1. I have always been a fan of the movie "My Bodyguard." The story really hit home when I was a nerd back in school, plus it makes Chicago look like a beautiful town, which it is.

  2. Ooh, now I want to watch it again! It took me a while to like Chicago but now I love going there.

  3. i was so in love with firefly i have a really hard time seeing adam baldwin play anyone but jayne anymore. he just doesn't look right in a suit.

  4. But how does he look in a "Buy More" uniform?!

  5. Re: The grammar

    Don't be too hard on yourself.

  6. Awww, thanks. However, I have an ex-boyfriend who nicknamed me "Spelling Spice" (which I'm not sure was affectionate, actually), so I got a rep to protect, man! :)
