Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hello Louisville!

I'm pretending I hear a crowd roaring back at me although I know that what I've probably got right now is my husband and a few friends wondering what the heck I'm doing blogging for all of Kentucky.

I did not expect to start the afternoon taking a hundred crappy pictures to get one semi-decent headshot. I am allergic to photographs of myself so it took a while. Also, shooting into a mirror isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I am now the proud owner of 57 shots of half my head and yes, I think I look like a jerk in this picture but they wouldn't let me wear a bunny mask.

What will make this Velocity blog worth reading? Well, I shall dare to impart all I know about Bret Michaels' dating show Rock of Love among other things. I would have written a grand synopsis of So You Think You Can Dance but lucky for you that show ended last week. I'm never so arrogant to think that anyone cares about what I'm watching, reading or what I ate for breakfast but I am opinionated and am overly fond of talking in a vacuum. People who know me will attest to the fact that they very rarely speak to me on the phone and that I love electronic communication. It would be easy to blame it on living in Crestwood but it's more that Crestwood provides an excellent excuse to hermit it up!

I moved to Kentucky three and a half years ago from Los Angeles and I'm hoping to use this platform to find out what Louisvillians think. It's definitely been a bit of a culture shock but at least growing up in Texas I had a bit of an idea of what I was in for. Kentucky pride runs rampant, though, and I'm interested to know what it's about. What am I missing out here in my Oldham County (the original OC! I was going to make t-shirts but then the show got canceled) oasis? This inquiring mind wants to know!

To wrap up, here are some quick useless facts and opinions:

Last three movies I saw: Superbad (Super uneven but super funny!), Stardust (Tristan is dreamy and DeNiro is a credit to transvestites everywhere!), Transformers (not quite more than meets the eye but I heart Bumblebee!)

Last three books I read (here is where I lie to look smarter): Stumbling on Happiness (Not quite finished but it's nice to know that happiness isn't real, it's just your brain messing with you), The Sugar Busters Diet (Did you know sugar is in almost everything? I just ate some Junior Mints so obviously the diet isn't going very well) and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Yes, I cried, but I won't spoil it for you).

Last three new(ish) songs I heard and didn't hate: "Fake Empire" by The National (Nick Cave with a hint of The Cure), "No Cars Go" by The Arcade Fire (is it embarrassing to not be cool and like them?) and, yes it's true, I really loved the theme song to the now canceled (and I'm quite sad about this) Hidden Palms. The song is called "Blind" and it's by the terribly named band Mega Bass.

Last three shows I watched on the DVR: Burn Notice (even though Gabrielle Anwar got kind of scary. Bruce Campbell rules!), Damages (even though Glenn Close got kind of scary. She still rules!) and (the aforementioned) Rock of Love (even though everyone on it is totally scary. Sleaze cheese rules!)

And what about you? What makes your pop culture heart swoon? I'm keeping it light for now but believe you me I will start griping about politics and the state of the world soon.

Next up: A comprehensive list of all the TV shows I am currently watching along with a thousand word essay on each describing why. Okay, not really, but I will share more television g(l)ory.

Parenthetically yours,
Ms. Park


  1. I'm gonna be wanting to hear all your Top Chef dish. Ho ho!

  2. I don't watch Top Chef but Tim Gunn has a new show starting next week that I am very excited about!

  3. dude congrats does this mean I need to call you Carrie?
    Here are my 3 favorite tv show
    Rescue me- cuz Denis Leary is such a good writer
    Rescue me- cuz Denis Leary has the best comedic timing delivery since Hawkeye
    Rescue me- cuz..... at 50, I could only hope to an ass as nice as Denis Leary's

  4. it was much too scandalous to be published!
