Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stephen Colbert, I Heart You

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Sarah Palin Uses a Hand-O-Prompter
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorEconomy

I sort of hate that I hate Sarah Palin because I feel like I'm just playing into her hands. She and Rush Limbaugh feed off our disdain like it's manna from heaven.

What kind of person snidely derides hope and change as if they are ridiculous notions, to be mocked at every turn?

I saw a bumper sticker recently that read, "Not My Fault." It had the Obama logo as the "o" in "not." This person obviously voted for Bush, so I would say yeah, the situation we're currently in is your fault. The responsibility belongs to all of us, actually, for forgetting about accountability for the last eight years, for refusing to work with each other and reducing politics to pithy one liners. I say it for both sides, I include myself.

That being said, I still think Sarah Palin is a blight. To follow her and her brainless "lift American spirits" written-on-the-hand rhetoric is to follow a modern day Pied Piper. I hope those who trumpet her as the savior of the conservative/evangelical movement see the river before they reach it.

I think you lift people's spirits by, you know, LIFTING... not by putting others down. But what do I know? I'm so clearly not in the elevating business.


  1. thanks for posting, lp! when i heard s.p.'s speech i was beside myself: frustrated that people are inspired by her empty, broad statements and plain meanness.
    it's great to have deft, bright, resilient s. colbert out there.

    i'm gonna watch this again.
