Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Shiba Inu!

Yes, I have things to say about the election... and Prop 8... but for some reason my whole system just shut down now that hope's taken over. I've more or less stopped watching the news, and I dumped about 50 subscriptions from my Google Reader. I'm also making a new office for myself out at the homestead. For some reason I feel free to rejoin life now that it's... (insert dramatic wailing) worth living! Hee hee.

In the meantime, Shiba Inu cam! Fat fuzzy puppyness makes every day look good (unless you're the one cleaning up afer them as I, who have not slept a full night since the end of September, can attest).


  1. it's like the weather channel, i can't stop watching.

  2. thanks lp! this is absolute tonic to work hullaballoo. haven't been able to keep watching on the qt,tho as i keep making involuntary exclamations when one of the puppies twitches or something. ha! :D
