Saturday, February 2, 2008

Anderson Cooper Loves Me

Or, someone pretending to be Anderson Cooper on the internets is now following me on Twitter, which I use but still don't really understand. It's like a giant instant message conversation, right?

Meanwhile, Jason over at the Courier-Journal forum said, "and as far as the veolocity bloggers go, no offense, but they are a joke. they are no better than anyone else out there, and i am not quite sure why anyone would care or take merit in what they say."

Who are these Veolocity bloggers who are without merit? I've never heard of Veolocity, but there's something weirdly meta or ironic about this judgment (or this proves I don't know what meta or irony mean, which is entirely possible).

This also reminds me of a hilarious comment I read on Brooklyn Vegan (in response to a story about that Shins guy who got arrested for domestic violence against his America's Next Top Model contestant gf): "
I'm going to judge the shit out of both of them (which correlates in no way to be me being home, alone, and on the internet at 3:00 AM on a Saturday night). I can publicly make insane assumptions about people based on scant information whenever I want--I use the internet!"

Though I tend not to think of any of us, the Velocity bloggers, as jokes, why does anyone care about what anyone says?

All I know is everyone has an opinion. Everyone wants to be heard. And why not? We use the internet!

I used to love my Gloria Vanderbilt jeans,
Ms. P


  1. Hrm. I'm changing my tagline to "A totally serious blogger who is better than someone else out there."

    That describes me to a T! Damn!

    What I find amusing is that this was in response to a post where I said, "Vernie McGaha, you stink!" Why anyone would infer that I consider myself an authority on anything is beyond me.

  2. I'm going to start a new blog called "Things That Amuse, Enlighten, And/Or Generally Entertain Jason Over at the Courier-Journal Forum". That should make him happy.
