Thursday, January 17, 2008

American Idol: Fingernails and All

I read yesterday that American Idol lasts five months. Sheesh. I had no idea I was undertaking such a massive endeavor. We'll see if I can survive that long.

From former meth-heads to park maintenance workers, Dallas brought the boring. However, who can forget Bruce Dickson from Bastrop, the 19-year old who's never kissed a girl, but wears a key to your heart locket that he, uh, shares with his father. He plans to give the heart to his future love who I'm sure will be thrilled to wear a pendant that his dad's been wearing for years. Also, what is with all these young guys in pleated pants?!! Hello?!!

OH MY GOD. I feel sick. There's a guy who has a baggie full of his fingernails. That he's showing to Ryan. I'm seriously nauseous. He carries this. on. his. person. I mean, I have seen surgeries on TV that grossed me out less than this. Brandon Green, you're a freak! I thought he was beyond mediocre, but apparently Paula and Randy are on the happy juice today because they send him to Hollywood where I'm sure Los Angelenos will welcome BG and his creepy nail collection with open arms.

The judges continue to make some baffling decisions, sending a weird Janis Joplin wannabe and the young presidential hopeful through. We're treated to some atrocious singing, of course, and crap, did I just hear "Unchained Melody" again? I won't even talk about the "Since You've Been Gone" montage.

I can't be bothered to tell you all about Dallas such is my bias against that soulless city (sorry Mom!), and I need to move on to other things.

Things like Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Cashmere Mafia, two completely opposite yet flawed examples of girl power. As my friend Pat said (re: CM), "Aside from being badly written, it falls into that category of stuff about women that attempts to explode feminine stereotypes but only reinforces them." I agree, but there's something I like about three of the women (the blonde makeup executive, not so much). I actually find Lucy Liu's Mia Mason more sympathetic than Carrie Bradshaw (have I mentioned that I hate CB before? I'm sure I have). Unfortunately, they're both challenged when it comes to fashion and men. I feel like Cashmere Mafia has promise, but the writing does make me embarrassed to be a lady-type a little too often. Terminator: TSCC seems a bit lost right now but has the potential to be a good action drama. I'm a little bummed that Summer Glau and a lot of violence are all the show has going for it. Lena Headey's unrelenting whiny introspection and Thomas Dekker's teenage rebellion both feel a bit tired. I'll keep hoping, though, that this truly is the year for strong women.

Strong women like Hillary Clinton, who more or less turned Barack Obama and John Edwards into her bitches in the return to civility debate in Nevada. Clinton returned to fighting form after her "human" moment and scary Meet the Press appearance as she moved things back on track with an intelligent performance that seemed to play well with the audience and pundits alike. Though I felt like Obama and Edwards fell in line like schoolboys, I also thought they both sounded accomplished and well-spoken (especially Obama who generally doesn't impress me as a debater).

Alright, I've made up for not posting yesterday.

Feeling gray,
Ms. P

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe you didn't mention Kyle, the creepy, "guy-liner" wearing, camp counselor, who, I'm sure, assures everyone that he is not gay. That dude bugged me, a lot. Glad I missed finger-nail dude. Did he offer a reason, or does he just carry it around with him for kicks?

    Anyway, I served my penance and watched a half hour of the try-out shows and I'll wait till they get to Hollywood to tune back in.
