My head hurts.
Were those not the worst makeovers ever on America's Next Top Model? Poor McKay! Or McKey! Or whatever her name is... I wonder if they'll let her be Britney again now that the other Britneys are gone. Or is it Brittany?
As for Project Runway...
Kenley IS GETTING ON MY LAST NERVE. No wonder she's had a lot of jobs. She's nutso! I love how many people Google "Kenley Collins is a bitch" and hit my blog. Seriously. It happens at least once a week and three times tonight. And Cynthia Rowley is on crack for liking that stupid beige belt. There, I said it!
I wonder if Joe's going to get cut because he's being all hetero and missing his kids and stuff and his misshapen suit looks like something you'd find at Wal-Mart.
This is what I got my power back for?!! Really. Korto and Leanne aren't worth discussing. Suede's dress wasn't bad, but no photographer could ever shoot in that thing.
Thank God Jerrell won (pictured above) if only because that meant Kenley didn't.
It's auf wiedersehen Joe (boy, did I call that one) as Suede is spared and no one's crying for the straight man.
I'm off to California tomorrow! Berkeley! LA! Beck! MGMT! Hollywood Bowl! MMJ at The Greek! San Diego! Camarillo! Real Food Daily! House of Vege! Cupcakes! Okay, I'll stop now!
Me Go Sleep Now,
M. P
People watch this stuff? Programs like this are probably one reason to appreciate the power outage.