Monday, November 12, 2007

The LP Questionnaire - Jeffrey Lee Puckett of The Courier-Journal

Man about town Jeffrey Lee Puckett is well known as the Pop Music Critic for The Courier-Journal. I first met him in Portland, Oregon and then didn't see him again for five years. Isn't fate funny!

I can't say I know Jeffrey too well, but he is revered amongst all my homies as a sweet man and good friend.

Should you have any music related questions, he has an "Ask JLP" feature on The C-J website.

Please enjoy his responses to The LP Questionnaire.

Name: Jeffrey Lee Puckett
Pro Wrestling Name: Brooklyn Giant. My borough is indeed oversized.

1. Pretend you're 15. Name three songs you'd put on a mix tape for your girlfriend (and tell us what year it is). 1975. "Thunder Road," Bruce Springsteen. "Take It To the Limit," The Eagles. "Stranglehold," Ted Nugent.

2. Which evil villain would make the best President? Dr. Doom. The Jack Kirby comic book version, not the movie version.

3. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? Quick Draw McGraw (aka El
Kabong). He was a sheriff horse who fought crime as El Kabong, using his guitar as a weapon. I guess Ozzy would be a close second.

4. What superpower do you wish you had? Just one isn't fair. Flight. No, wait. Super-strength. No, wait. Invulnerable. Yeah, invulnerable. I'd rock that shit.

5. What would the title of your autobiography be? Plus One

Louisville Luminaries Week continues in earnest tomorrow with fabulous photographer Chris Higdon.

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