Friday, August 27, 2010

My Morning Jacket - Summer Tour II

Here's another spate of photox from the good ol' My Morning Jacket Summer Tour. If you're looking for part I, it's here. Part III is here.

We laughed, we cried, we finally got Denise into a permanent dress. Thank God because that nudist thing was not working for me.

Once again, click the pics to see them in a larger state. Steal the pics and they will haunt your dreams.

The lads are in Pittsburgh tonight with my favorite tall person Daniel Martin Moore opening. I am so full of sadness not to be there.

"I heard there was a party here? I am ready to party!" - Denise.

This is one of those Spinal Tap moments. Spontaneous drummer combustion.
You've heard of it, right?

Does the cape make the man?

Is that an Omnichord I see? No. Really. Is it?
Maybe I ought to pop over to the MMJ forum and ask...

You know those slidey puzzles where you make a picture? That's what this looks like.
It also looks like some hands.

"My Carl."

I love when the boyos seem happy onstage.
Not that they aren't generally but, well, you know what I mean.

Tom the devil. I know I'd sell my soul... oh wait.

Chi-town was the best show of (my part of) the tour. Those peeps always bring it.

No man and no bear, apparently, can escape the wand of the TSA. Denise is rather huzzah! about the whole thing. I must say, if I wore a donkey mask through airport security I bet they'd make me take it off. Such is the power of Pooch.

I'll be back on Monday with Volume III. Actually, I'll be back before that, on Sunday, with Emmy live blogging. The snark part of my brain better get in gear sometime in the next 48 hours. See you groovy gals and guy soon.

Pooch-Denise-TSA photo by Gene Barnett

1 comment:

  1. Nice work again, love the puzzel shot. Thanks for the Emmy reminder, time to avoid Hollywood traffic on Sunday, or anyday really. Bring that tinseltown snark, it is always needed! Hooray for Hollywooood!
