Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bringing A Little Nerdy Joy To Your Day

As usual, I'm late to the game on the awesome sauciness that is UK photographer Mike Stimpson's lovely Star Wars' Lego photography. So maybe you've seen all this goodness, but if not, have a gander. His work is sure to bring the happy.

See! Happy!

In other news, this week is dragging by as I'm just waiting to head to Columbia and Columbus to see that Tom guy and his compatriots. Good times ahead at the Smithsonian, and I'm looking forward to the gathering of the ladies of the internets. Things are about to get girly, you guys.

Oh oh, speaking of Tom and his fellows, they finally made it on to the Twitter contraption. You can follow them @mymorningjacket. Keep up with set lists and the fabulous adventures of Pooch and Denise. If you want to follow me, you can do so @mspark... or via the RSS feed of this blog, if you're so inclined and I thank you if you are.

The blogging has hopefully resumed in earnest as I attempt to regain my writing vigor. If you can call this writing, that is.

Monday, April 26, 2010

High Five Etiquette

People who know me know I have a complicated relationship with the high five. This was never an issue in my life until I tour managed My Morning Jacket years ago although now it seems more pervasive. At work in Austin for SXSW I get people attempting this maneuver, as well.

For a long time I explained my reticence by saying, "High fiving - if I did it - says more about me than it does about you." My thought process was something along the line of "well heeled ladies of a certain age do not high five." Nevermind that I am not a well heeled lady. I'm not sure, actually, what a well heeled lady is.

It became such a running joke with the guys (and has continued with their new TM) that they would taunt me with a hand in the air, and I came to truly fear this friendly gesture. However, since I'm turning 40 in June I've decided to stop being such an uptight biyaatch and just go with it. I think this handy guide will help me in that endeavor. It might just help you, too.

(This wonderfully amusing video comes to you via @Beffery who is graciously bringing me Tim Tams from Australia to Columbia, MD this weekend where I will enjoy them while watching my first MMJ show in over a year.)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Song For A Day - Nothing Like You

It's almost embarrassing, my love for Frightened Rabbit. The fabulous Scott Hutchison did my LP Questionnaire over at the SXSW place and I waxed rhapsodic about them over at Nerve.com. I saw them twice in March and am contemplating a road trip to Newport for their May 6 show at Southgate House. My nightly prayers include one for a My Morning Jacket/FR tour. Okay, I don't pray, really, but if i did...

Speaking of le MMJ, the laddies play their first show in over a year tonight in Birmingham and I am muy sad not to be there. However, I'm saving all my excitement for Merriweather Post Pavilion and points beyond. I hear rehearsals went well and I'm purty sure the shows will be full of goodness.

But back to Frightened Rabbit... I heart this song, I heart this video, I heart these boys. The rush I got seeing them live was only equaled to the feeling I had when I first saw MMJ at SXSW in 2002 so peep this shizzle, you guys.

ps. A friendly notice... if you read this blog via an RSS reader, my feed's moved to here so feel free to, you know, re-subscribe and stuff. Thankin' ya.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Morning Jacket at Sasquatch

Well, now this sure is cutiepants.

You can buy it here. Didn't know about Invisible Creature before five minutes ago, but they seem like an impressive collective.

Oh oh! One more thing... if you read my blog via RSS, you need to please re-subscribe as my url has changed. You can do so by clicking on this linky. Okay, thank you.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Yeah, this isn't creepy or anything... I think the best way to move past Tiger Woods' indiscretions does not, you know, involve using the voice of his dead father. But that's just me.

What do you guys think of this new Nike ad?

Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm Back... No, Really...

Okay, I just realized I haven't posted since March 19 and I feel like a total loser.

So here I am... in Chicago... stuffed full of food from The Green Zebra, the greatest restaurant ever. One of them, anyway.

I'm in a giving mood so please enjoy this wonderful video from Major Lazer. Did you know their live shows feature lots of humping? It's true. I saw it. I may never recover... and you may never forgive me if you watch this but caring is sharing, you guys.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...