Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rediscovering Old Loves - Behind The Sun

Yes, it's true, I used to LOVE the Red Hot Chili Peppers. It's also true that I stopped loving them after Uplift Mofo Party Plan, an album to which this song, "Behind the Sun," belongs.

I went to see RHCP with Faith No More (back when they had Chuck, back when they were good) at the Arcadia in Dallas in early 1988. Or maybe it was late 1987? I even remember the bitchin' psychedelic leggings I wore, which is strange since I dropped acid that night and had quite an adventure. Actually, I remember a lot of details from that night...

(I think I mentioned before that while yes, I had quite a misspent youth, I am now a boring old tea-totaler, etc etc etc. My mother reads this blog and everything and she's definitely not one of those "cool moms." She is old school, which I like.)

It was the sock tour. I was homeless but apparently still had access to cute outfits. My friend Gail and I were more excited to see Faith No More than the Chili Peppers but both acts were equally excellent (and that's not the drugs talking). It remains one of the best concerts I've ever seen.

After the show we went to a party at Gringo Manor (if you were in Dallas in the late 80s, maybe you remember) attended by FNM and possibly RHCP but on that part, details are sketchy. Some of the band were really nice (the drummer), some were not (I won't say here). Somehow, Gail and I managed to kidnap bassist Billy Gould. We took him back to her apartment where we hung out with her seven cats and talked about how "Sleep is the Enemy" is some sort of motto at M.I.T.

Okay, I realize this post turned into 20 year old stories about another band but, err, you know... "Behind the Sun" was my favorite Red Hot Chili Peppers song for a long time. I hadn't listened to it for ages, and it showed up on the ol' iTunes today.

I still love Flea's Snoopy pants.


  1. I saw the same two bands on the same tour at some club that used to be on Theater Square on 4th Street here in Louisville. I think the place was where BBC on 4th is now. Anyways - yeah - it was a blast.

  2. Such a great night, such a great show. I seem to recall everyone I knew was wearing out the FNM record that year. Yes, I said record, kids.
    During the RHCP, I was looking at a guy I had a crush on, and he started smiling. I checked to see what he was looking at and, lo and behold, The Socks!! Priceless!!
    The afterparty was fun as well, with Chuck as a sweet, sentimental drunk.
    We got Bill Gould because he didn't have a sleeping bag and everyone else did.
    He was a really nice fellow and we had a good conversation about macrobiotics. The next morning I took him the passport office to apply for passports with the guys in the band for their first foreign tour.
    I think Linda was asleep by then.
    Cats, Drugs and Rock and Roll! I need to go find that record......


  3. whoa. those are some priceless additions to this story. i forgot about the macrobiotics part... and the passports.

    i should also say to everyone that gail was the good one. responsible and the designated driver.

    now, who was this guy...??

  4. Remember the long, pitiful crush on Peter Schmidt?.......

  5. crikey! i'll never forget that one. or three on a hill - still one of the best bands EVER. i looked on his website recently... he still seems to take himself way too seriously. damn, they were magical, though.
