Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday Night Live - From Sarah Palin to Marky Mark Pt. 2

Last night I made some brief comments about SNL with Sarah Palin. I'm a bit irked that they even had her on there (couldn't they have pulled an Oprah? Then again, Lorne Michaels did contribute to McCain's campaign, although it does look like he was just covering his bases).

However, fair's fair. I wrote my post before I saw Amy Poehler's Palin rap. Another slightly awkward moment, though Poehler was purty funny.

I would say that I'm glad Palin can laugh at herself, but I'm not sure she was. Mark Wahlberg, however, is mildly redeemed as having a sense of humor (or as my internet friend Jason says, some kickass marketing savvy).

Anyhoodle, here's the vid...

Palin's opening

The Palin rap

And finally, Mark Wahlberg and Andy Samberg (and Amy Poehler and Josh Brolin)

Unrelated (sort of), Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama on Meet the Press this morning. Quelle surprise, but good news.


  1. The moose rap was cute but I'm still disappointed they even gave her the time of day. As predicted, Tina Fey barely gave her a nod(yay Tina) and Alec Baldwin was a little uncomfortable standing next to her, (hence the looking at the cards so much). I guess the rap was funny. The donkey was great!

  2. I can't really fault SNL for bringing Palin on, though it's funny that she pretty much just showed up and didn't do anything. I imagine that Joe Biden will take a more active part in making fun of himself.

    As for Powell endorsing Obama, it wasn't surprising, but his impassioned, "so what if Obama was a Muslim," speech on Meet the Press was a really beautiful moment.

  3. the previous posters obviously are making gueses about palin's SNL appearence.

    I thought it was great. I enjoyed it.

    onto colin powell...six months ago the left/liberals were saying he was a liar over the 9/11 all of a sudden they are his hero.

  4. Big ups to Amy P., she's got mad skills on the mic even if she's as big as a house!

  5. Big ups to Amy P., she's got mad skills on the mic even if she's as big as a house!
