I think we all knew young Ashley Todd was lying but here's the story. I bet John McCain is sorry he called her now.
In other news...
Apparently the RNC's expenditure on Sarah Palin's wardrobe is a good thing. I like that pink dress, though. I think America could really relate to her if she wore that to a rally. It's amusing to me that they came up with the whole "we're giving the clothes to charity" thing only after the story broke.
I'm relieved that Jon Stewart isn't overly fond of Nancy Pfotenhauer, either. I have enjoyed watching her collagen injected lips deflate as the campaign marches on, though. I guess there's no room in the budget for a dermatologist after Palin spent all the money on clothes. That is super catty, I know, but NP is a robot so I'm sure her feelings won't be hurt.
And finally, more on Michelle Bachman, the crazy-eyed Congresswoman from Minnesota who will now probably lose to Elwyn Tinklenberg. Yes, call Obama anti-American and lose to the Tinklenberg. That is karmic justice, methinks.
That's all for now, folks. Man, I will be happy when November 5th rolls around. Or at least, I think I will... but it's only the beginning, remember!
ps. Just added Marcia Stirman of New Mexico who called Obama a "Muslim Socialist." Now I understand why Jan was always going "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!"
So who won the fight, her or her alter ego Tyler(ina) Durden? I wonder if her self-fight was as entertaining as Edward Norton's in 'Fight Club.'