My evening began with Susan Sarandon sitting four seats away from me at (actually, it began with a milkshake, but whatever). Soon thereafter her "life mate" Tim Robbins (he who likes to sing songs about William Rehnquist - I've seen it happen) joined her in row M. I sound like such a stalker right now, but I care only to bring you the full experience of the show!
Once Tom and the rest of MMJ joined us I began to wonder if this was going to turn into an Elizabethtown reunion as there was someone who looked suspiciously like Paul Schneider a few rows ahead.
I was excited to hear Flight of the Conchords again as the last time I saw them they were wooing and wowing the crowd at the SXSW Welcome Dinner, which you can see bits of on YouTube with their doc Flight of the Conchords : A Texan Odyssey (if you look closely you can even see Tom and me eating... or something).
They are some funny boys, those kiwis (called so because of the bird, not the fruit). The audience thought they were pretty funny, too. And by funny I mean the audience thought they were as amusing as the band, yelling out song requests (including, of course, "Freebird") and clapping along out of time to various songs (one of my pet peeves, I admit. I didn't pay to hear your lack of rhythm, people. Okay, I didn't pay at all, but if I had... and yes, I am an insufferable snot). I did think it was cute when someone gave them robots... tiny little robots... in honor of some... errr... robot song.
I don't know how many times Jemaine shushed the audience, which I thought was awesome. I heard at one show he held up their set list and said "See, it does not include 'conversation with FOTC.'" Brilliant. JC has a really lovely actual singing voice, I discovered, that I hope to hear again quite soon. Tom liked the "Hip Hop Hippopotamus" song. My favorite is the classic about Jenny. This post would probably benefit from some knowledge of actual titles, I suppose.
The after party afforded me the opportunity to once again be at a function with Eugene Mirman and once again be too shy to say hi. I am such a goober. I did get to catch up with my friend Sean Eden (I really miss Luna) and talk politics and conspiracy theories. Todd Barry walked away when I walked up (I have cooties?), but I thought he was a good opener and a fair bongo player. Maybe he will do my LP Questionnaire if I ask politely...
Okay, I hope I've made the evening seem as real to you (through the power of name droppage) as it was surreal to me.
Parts of this post are also on my SXSW blog because... yes, because this story was too great not to tell twice! So sorry if you read both (all two of you or something).
Thanks for stopping by. I'm off to Saturday Night Live rehearsal at Rockefeller Plaza. I am definitely hoping to run into Jack Donaghy and get a tour of the 12th floor
I can't stop sneezing,
Ms. P
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