Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Those Wacky Dutch and Other Stories

Paul Verhoeven is probably going to hell (and not for directing Showgirls, as you might expect). Of course, this is provided that hell exists.

Hillary Clinton won Pennsylvania. I guess my last minute bid for the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man to take the presidency is rather fruitless. I listen to Barack Obama, and I want to believe but I just can't. Call me a cynic, but I've seen the Emperor and I'm just not sure about what he's wearing.

Apparently Jay-Z and Beyonce are getting married. Do people care?

I want waffles!
Ms. P

1 comment:

  1. Wait, I thought Jay-Z and Beyonce were already married. I heard they got hitched earlier this month and even got tattoo wedding bands. (Yes, I do care and yes, I know that's sad).
