Yesterday, Tom and I went to see Jump, a strange hybrid of Korean martial arts and slapstick comedy. There's no dialog and it's a bit like watching a silent movie with a lot of backflips and side kicks. I realize how far I have to go in my tae kwon do training, that's for sure. We had a romantic dinner at Le Zie in Chelsea and then, after stuffing ourselves full of Magnolia cupcakes, proceeded to watch The World's Fattest Man and Half-Ton Man on The Learning Channel. You would think I might swear off cupcakes after seeing those documentaries, but no, I went to the Cupcake Cafe today and bought four more. I need to go to Cupcakaholics Anonymous. I rationalize this behavior with the knowledge that I never eat them in Kentucky.
I'm off to Gobo for a vegetarian dinner with some hometown friends who live in Queens then it's over to Big Daddy's for milkshakes with my wondertwin Cherie. It's nice to have my own local pals even if they aren't local anymore. I actually tell people I'm from Kentucky now (instead of qualifying the statement with "but really, I'm from Los Angeles"). It took coming to New York this past summer and admitting I hate it to make me realize I actually like it. I can't wait to come home on Wednesday and watch Charmed from the comfort of my own couch.
The other exciting part of my trip thus far was hooking up with cousins I hadn't seen in 30+ years. For a few brief hours part of the Owen clan reconnected. Good times with the white folks from Jersey.
It's time to make my way down to Waverly and 6th. Apologies for the sparse posting but I confess, I haven't been feeling so interesting. I wish the reason was something more thrilling like I've been out partying with Marc Jacobs and Tim Gunn, but no... the closest I've come to any celebrities is seeing (I think) Will Forte come off an elevator today.
Until tomorrow, kittens!
Ms. P
nice. people keep telling me to get one of those speedlights. i wonder why they can't just make a body with a nice speedy built-in flash instead of the crappy one that's in there now. i guess size does matter.